Note Found on Vanity ytinaV no dnuoF etoN
Mirror One Hour ruoH enO rorriM
After Your Melting gnitleM ruoY retfA
Away yawA
Well dear it turns out there is not nearly ylraen ton si ereht tuo snrut ti raed lleW
enough lipstick in the world after all to ot lla retfa dlrow eht ni kcitspil hguone
unshrivel some smiles no sheets soft enough hguone tfos steehs on selims emos levirhsnu
to unitch a body with corners like these I I eseht ekil srenroc htiw ydob a hctinu ot
hope you inherit these words soon after retfa noos sdrow eseht tirehni uoy epoh
getting a blowjob on the taxi ride home after retfa emoh edir ixat eht no bojwolb a gnitteg
wiping her cheek clean while the green light thgil neerg eht elihw naelc keehc reh gnipiw
tilts thru the window so the driver sees the eht sees revird eht os wodniw eht urht stlit
warm juice dripping down her face I hope it ti epoh I ecaf reh nwod gnippird eciuj mraw
burns you and her I hope it stays there on no ereht syats ti epoh I reh dna uoy snrub
her chin like the cum scar that it is because esuaceb si ti taht racs muc eht ekil nihc reh
how the hours gallop I can't stand to sit tis ot dnats t'nac I pollag sruoh eht woh
down another hour how the christmas lights sthgil samtsirhc eht woh ruoh rehtona nwod
know to twinkle like that in unison I can't t'nac I nosinu ni taht ekil elkniwt ot wonk
twinkle like that in unison do you remember rebmemer uoy od nosinu ni taht ekil elkniwt
how many times I told you hearts aren't t'nera straeh uoy dlot I semit ynam woh
meat hearts aren't meat hearts aren't meat taem t'nera straeh taem t'nera straeh taem
you never could keep count never learned to ot denrael reven tnuoc peek dluoc reven uoy
count and never learned to listen so this is si siht os netsil ot denrael reven dna tnuoc
me teaching you how to listen. .netsil ot woh uoy gnihcaet em