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Horoscapes: Scorpio



The kind of guy who fantasizes about kissing a handsome leper more than twice a day. Deprived of human heat, the body will embellish appetites of a more savage fashion. Imagine scantily clad angels hanging from the steeple by meat hooks, or pews festooned with the softest severed hands capable of touch. Each Sunday you affix your vestments, fix your longing on the vestibules of the lost. Keep your system clean of influence. Desire is a syringe full of sparks & you’ve always been good about smashing forbidden valance beneath your boots, but there are devils in the creases of your robe, crouching in the crevice of every confessional booth. The fountains in the courtyard ripple with sin & a stain glass chrysalis will often hide spiders in the folds of its wings. Better to cloak your fur in grayish garbs than partake of the light. Rabbits explode all the time lured by the false heavens of headlights.

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